Our Stories

Travel is essentially about storytelling, about sharing what we discover of our global home.  This blog is about just that — the unusual, the unique, the gems  — from Tombée du Ciel, House Fallen from the Sky, to the ghost trees of India, to the Bolivian cemetery where trains are buried. There are countless stories, large and very small, that we come across as we travel the globe. It would be a shame to pass them by without notice.

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Big Five Circle Feature

Asian cultural connections that fascinate historians

Date: August 6, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

The world is indeed small, and getting more so as our daily lives become ever more connected in this age of the...

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Big Five Circle Feature

How to get closer to wildlife than ever before

Date: July 30, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

Today’s travelers are ever more aware of all that is going on in the world and they want to be a...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Signs your vacation might need a rethink

Date: July 23, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

Most sources agree that time away from the job makes employees more creative and less stressed than those who forego...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Cats… Need I say more?

Date: July 16, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

For feline lovers that’s usually enough to get their attention. Cats occupy a place in millions of households across the US...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Family Focused vs Family Tolerant Adventure Travel

Date: July 9, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

Family Focused Adventure Travel Your alternative to family tolerant travel It’s been a pretty exciting week here for us at...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Our Home is Your Home in Southern Africa

Date: June 25, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

We each carry our own set of definitions of an excellent escape. For some, it might mean idle sand beaches...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Best Sleep Under the Stars | Luxury Travel

Date: June 18, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

Did you ever go camping when you were a kid and marvel at sleeping under the night sky? Remember the...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Big Five Partners with One More Generation

Date: June 11, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

I don’t usually blog, but Usha and I wanted to share the news about our partnership with the nonprofit One...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Sustainable Tourism for the Graduate

Date: June 4, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

The day you and your graduate have been working toward for so long has finally arrived…. and likely departed by...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Honeymoon, how often do you get to do this?

Date: May 28, 2015 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

The honeymoon – that long-awaited, romantic celebration for two – only became common practice for the general public in the...

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