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Travel is essentially about storytelling, about sharing what we discover of our global home.  This blog is about just that — the unusual, the unique, the gems  — from Tombée du Ciel, House Fallen from the Sky, to the ghost trees of India, to the Bolivian cemetery where trains are buried. There are countless stories, large and very small, that we come across as we travel the globe. It would be a shame to pass them by without notice.

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tiger-preserves-india | Big Five Tours

Tiger Preserves in India

Date: May 22, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Tigers are among the most impressive animals in the world. They are the perfect combination of strength, speed and agility....

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Map | Big Five Tours

Travel Quiz: Where To Next?

Date: May 21, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

When you travel for fun, it’s hard to pick out your next destination. That’s why we’ve invented a fun way...

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The Selinda Botswana, Lions | Big Five Tours

Linyanti Wildlife Reserve – Botswana

Date: May 19, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Botswana is a country in southern Africa that is very unique. It is considered one of the least populated countries...

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Lima | Big Five Tours

Top Three Places to Visit in Peru

Date: May 13, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

There are so many things to do in Peru that it can be overwhelming; where do you get started? Do...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Been There…Scene That: Mayan Ruins Arqueologico, Copan

Date: May 10, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Fun Fact: Visit the ruins of one of the world’s most sophisticated and legendary cultures, the...

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Victoria-Falls-Aerial | Big Five Tours

Victoria Falls – Zambia and Zimbabwe

Date: May 7, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Nestled between Zambia and Zimbabwe is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in the world. Victoria Falls is a...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Been There…Scene That: Puerto Escondido en Tela

Date: May 3, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Fun Fact: Beach lovers, you’ll fall for Tela’s “Hidden Port.” Pristine beaches are ringed with verdant rain forests:...

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Machu Picchu | Big Five Tours

Mysterious Machu Picchu

Date: May 2, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

In a world that is increasingly tech-savvy, it can be hard to find mystique. However, there is one place in...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Thursday Traditions: Madivian Dance

Date: May 1, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Fun Fact: Don’t just soak in the Maldivian culture: participate in it! Join a dance class or learn to play...

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Elephants | Big Five Tours

Visit Kenya, the Greatest Natural Show on Earth

Date: April 28, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

One of the most common words used to describe Kenya is “magical”. For evidence of this, all you need to...

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