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Travel is essentially about storytelling, about sharing what we discover of our global home.  This blog is about just that — the unusual, the unique, the gems  — from Tombée du Ciel, House Fallen from the Sky, to the ghost trees of India, to the Bolivian cemetery where trains are buried. There are countless stories, large and very small, that we come across as we travel the globe. It would be a shame to pass them by without notice.

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Big Five Circle Feature

Travel to Malaysia and See Semonggok Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

Date: August 17, 2012 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

There is certainly plenty to take in when you visitMalaysia.  From cities to temples to wide open land, you’ll want...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Visiting the Capital City of Vientiane

Date: | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

It’s time for a different kind of vacation.  The kind of vacation where you don’t just go to a different...

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Big Five Circle Feature

The Mayan Lost City of Copán

Date: | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Off in the western corner ofHondurasis a lost city that is now no longer lost, but an amazing place to...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Physically Fit Adventure in Ecuador

Date: August 15, 2012 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

If you are an adventurer, the thought of exploring a new destination gets your heart pumping. However, sometimes simply exploring...

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Big Five Circle Feature

The Great Wall of China

Date: August 13, 2012 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

It’s hard to argue against the fact that The Great Wall of China is one of the most incredible sights...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Tikal National Park, Guatemala

Date: | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Tikal National Park is home to one of the largest archaeological sites of the ancient Mayan civilization. Located in the...

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Big Five Circle Feature

3 Travel Programs You Wont Want to Miss

Date: | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Planning a trip can be a lot of fun, but can also be very stressful. What if all you had...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Encounter Moroccan Cuisine

Date: August 11, 2012 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Morocco is sometimes called, “the culinary star of North Africa”. This country truly lives up to its name because of...

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Big Five Circle Feature

7 Must Visit Places in Brazil

Date: August 10, 2012 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Brazil is a gem located in South America that offers a wide range of exciting experiences.  A trip to Brazil...

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Big Five Circle Feature

The Beauty and Variety of New Zealand

Date: August 9, 2012 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our daily lives that we forget just how much beauty there is in...

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