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Travel is essentially about storytelling, about sharing what we discover of our global home.  This blog is about just that — the unusual, the unique, the gems  — from Tombée du Ciel, House Fallen from the Sky, to the ghost trees of India, to the Bolivian cemetery where trains are buried. There are countless stories, large and very small, that we come across as we travel the globe. It would be a shame to pass them by without notice.

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Top-3-Spots-to-Visit in Laos | Big Five Tours

Top 3 Spots to Visit in Laos

Date: April 15, 2013 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

In 2008, Laos was named by the New York Times as the top vacation destination. Just a few years later,...

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Global-Travel-Tips | Big Five Tours

Global Travel Tips

Date: April 11, 2013 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, but it is always important to make sure you have everything in order so...

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Headshot | Big Five Tours

187,200 Hours of Enriching Lives and Counting!

Date: April 8, 2013 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

As we celebrate our 40th year, we would like to share some stories about the people and history of Big Five.  In July 1982, Mahen,...

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The-Atacama-Desert | Big Five Tours

The Atacama Desert

Date: April 6, 2013 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

In northern Chile there is a 40,600-square mile strip of land that is known as one of the driest places...

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The-Top-5-Most-Luxurious-Cities-in-the World | Big Five Tours

The Top 5 Most Luxurious Cities in the World

Date: April 1, 2013 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

When we think about luxury, we typically think of Paris with its culinary treats or London with its culture of...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Coorg – A Hidden Gem in Southern India

Date: March 18, 2013 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

If you are planning on traveling to southern India and want to get a different perspective on Indian culture, consider...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Big Five targets sustainability for its 40th Anniversary

Date: March 15, 2013 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

Company announces 40 Ways to Sustainability  Stuart, FL, (Feb 12, 2013) –  In honor of its 40th anniversary, Big Five...

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Mongolia-The-Private-Collection | Big Five Tours

Mongolia: The Private Collection

Date: March 14, 2013 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Mongolia is a very unique destination that seems to belong to another time period. For the willing adventurer, Mongolia will...

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Kalahari-Desert-Lioness | Big Five Tours

The Kalahari Desert

Date: March 12, 2013 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

The Kalahari Desert is a vast desert that is majorly located in Botswana, but also extends into smaller areas in...

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Bhutan-Taktsang-Monastery | Big Five Tours

Surprising Facts about Bhutan

Date: March 11, 2013 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Tucked into the Himalayas, Bhutan is one of the world’s most isolated, mysterious, and majestic lands. Often called the “Kingdom...

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