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Travel is essentially about storytelling, about sharing what we discover of our global home.  This blog is about just that — the unusual, the unique, the gems  — from Tombée du Ciel, House Fallen from the Sky, to the ghost trees of India, to the Bolivian cemetery where trains are buried. There are countless stories, large and very small, that we come across as we travel the globe. It would be a shame to pass them by without notice.

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Big Five Circle Feature

The adventure continues

Date: February 14, 2014 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

We have now had 2 lovely days in Melbourne, one driving along the Great Ocean Road in all its loveliness,...

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Big Five Circle Feature

Everything is great — just off the grid!

Date: | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

We are having a splendid time in New Zealand, although the internet is a little spotty, hence the lack of...

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Big Five Circle Feature

A Big Five Zimbabwe Photo Tour

Date: February 11, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Side Many claim the Zimbabwe side of Victoria Falls is superior with its wonderful full-frontage vistas. The...

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Lhasa Tibet Monastery | Big Five Tours

Discover the Sera Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet

Date: February 7, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Tibet is a place that was once closed off to outsiders. Now it is possible to journey to Tibet and...

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Big Five Circle Feature

The top of the world down under

Date: February 4, 2014 | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

We had two gloriously sunny days in Sydney. Today was our harbor bridge climb, and we reached the summit as...

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Big Five Circle Feature

We made it and it is glorious

Date: | By: bigfive | Travel Blog

After 3 changes in itineraries and airlines because of flight delays that would have made our LA connection unlikely, we...

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Big Five Circle Feature

18 Incredible Photos From Japan

Date: | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

Atami Dragon Temple This temple, in the heart of Atami, showcases Japan’s intriguing history and brings the visitor back in...

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Big Five Circle Feature

The Tribes of Papua New Guinea

Date: January 28, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

If you are looking for a different kind of traveling experience, you will definitely want to consider Papua New Guinea....

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Lake INle Myanmar | Big Five Tours

Lake Inle, Myanmar

Date: January 24, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

If you are planning a trip to Myanmar, you will definitely want to visit Lake Inle. The culture and beauty...

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San Blas Islands Panama | Big Five Tours

Paradise in the San Blas Islands – Panama

Date: January 22, 2014 | By: Enid Glasgow | Travel Blog

If you are looking for a trip where you can stay in a five star resort, eat culinary masterpieces and...

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