Truly a trip of a lifetime

Dear Big Five:

Please accept our upmost appreciation for the attention to detail in planning our African safari to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Our entire trip from the arrival in Nairobi, Kenya to our departure from the same city was flawless. The Big Five ” meet and greet “ staff in all the cities we travelled through were exceptional, in particular in Nairobi. Our personal driver , transported us throughout Tanzania for five days was superb.


Your extensive knowledge of all the lodges we stayed at payed off in a wonderful showing of the Ngorongoro crater, Serengeti plains and the Masai Mara. At every lodge that we stayed at the staff gave us a wonderful private romantic anniversary dinner.


This was truly a trip of a lifetime. We highly recommend, without reservation your services and it would be our pleasure to serve as a personal reference should you request it. Under separate cover, I will forward some photographs of our adventure.


We look forward to having you plan our next family safari to South Africa.


Warmest personal regards,


October 10, 2016

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Machu Pichhu- Absolutely Fantastic


We have no words to thank you for the absolutely unbelievable service and the courtesies extended to us; your entire...

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