Love South America

I’m sorry for the delay in sharing our thoughts about our recent trip to South America. We absolutely loved our trip to South America. We would say the number one highlight was the Galapagos where we very much enjoyed being on the Santa Cruz ship, and all the expeditions each day to the different islands on the zodiac boats with the knowledgeable naturalist guides. I believe we saw 13 of the Big 15 Wildlife. It was a very busy week but we loved every minute of it.

We also loved Peru, visiting Lima, Cusco and Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu very much lived up to it’s deserved reputation as one of the wonders of the world with it’s beautiful & pristine natural setting. It is really hard to fathom how the Inca’s built this granite citadel using those large boulders and no mortar. Unbelievable. All 3 of the hotels were wonderful in different ways, and the airport pickups and transfers to hotels all were on time without any problems. We also enjoyed all of the guides you arranged especially the ones in Cusco & Quito who were the stand outs. The Hiram Bingham train both to & fro was also a new and fun experience. We enjoyed the experience of the train, the meals and drinks, and the music. We also loved spending the day touring in Quito, and thank you for having us stay in the Casa Gangotena Hotel which we absolutely loved.

Also, our trips to Bogota & Rio de Janeiro were interesting and fun, and our South American airline transportation worked well and on time. I had preconceived negative ideas about both cities, but we thoroughly enjoyed our stays in both. Rio is far more beautiful than I expected, and we had fun social venues each night on top of Sugarloaf and at the Museum of Tomorrow.

Thanks again for all you did making this definitely a trip we always will remember.

October 23, 2017

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Machu Pichhu- Absolutely Fantastic


We have no words to thank you for the absolutely unbelievable service and the courtesies extended to us; your entire...

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