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Pizza Over the Lava

Date: September 19, 2024 | By: Ashish Sanghrajka | Category: Travel Blog

The Most Famous Star Wars Scene


I recently read a trends report talking about trending destinations for 2025 calling them viable alternatives, and it seems that Guatemala is trending in 2025 as a destination garnering a lot of positive attention.  Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting for this kind of recognition for Guatemala?

For all the Star Wars fans, go to the end of Empire Strikes Back movie, you’ll notice the closing scene is where Tikal was front and center. I’ll never forgot what that looked like, even posting a poorly edited photo of me with the officer helmet on directing the Empire ship in.  Actually, come to think about it, I would say it wasn’t too poorly done, it was much worse.  And yet there I stood proudly on that terrace and before you ask, you should know that I have definitely indoctrinated my children in the ways of “The Force”.

It’s not just the ruins or Tikal.  Nor is it just about the hidden ruins of El Mirador. Nor is it the various Mayan ruins in Guatemala, it is so much more. Let’s start with the active volcanoes. So, have you ever roasted smores on the side of a crater on of an active opening volcano? Or have you ever eaten pizza cooked on a grill built over flowing lava? Or better yet, have you ever felt like Indiana Jones in the middle of the jungle exploring a newly discovered Mayan ruin that remains an active dig? Guess what,  I have.

And you can too. Guatemala is the adventure destination with some of the best kept secrets. Where “The Force” is always with you!

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