“’Purpose in life refers to a feeling that your life has direction and meaning, and your daily activities matter,” said lead researcher Eric Kim, a Ph.D. at the University of Michigan.
The mother gorilla, like females of most species, instinctively knows her purpose is the care and protection of her young.
Each of us begins each day with a purpose, which is revealed as day unfolds, whether that is to work, to care for family or to build something. Purpose is clear cut most of the time.
But we humans need more than that to get out of bed every morning to repeat what we did yesterday. Whether we realize it or not, each of us has a higher purpose, a divine thread that runs through our lives and sits at the core of our being. It is nothing less than our soul’s reason for existence, the job we are each here to do.
What is your higher purpose? When was the last time someone asked you that question? It can be a bit startling if it comes out of the blue.
At Big Five, we have understood for a long time that we are more than a luxury tour operator. We don’t sell trips like widgets.
As a team, we have over the years explored this topic, approaching it from many different angles. We have sought out what it means to each of us to do what we do. We have looked at what our individual higher purposes might be as we defined what that means to Big Five as well.
This higher purpose is an integral part of a person, never changing, regardless of the situation.
If you’d like to read more about of our individual higher purposes, visit This Link. You’ll learn more soon…. very soon.