As Irma churns its way toward us in Florida, we thought we would answer questions we have been asked for more than a decade by our travel advisor partners on sustainable tourism, and weaving it into, mainly, where do I start, and how do I ensure what I am offering is real? We thought this was actually the perfect opportunity to introduce you to the new, a ground breaking sustainable tourism website, which will debut in the next few weeks. The site doesn’t follow convention by offering tours to the Galapagos. Rather, it is the latest example of our “What box?” mentality, embracing Darwin’s theory of evolution to offer a truly interactive site that features the Galapagos AND MORE.
Big Five’s new answers those questions. It serves as a beginner’s guide of sorts that allows travelers to learn about sustainable tourism – beginning in Latin America and expanding from there.
Each country is objectively ranked between one and five frogs. Ranking is based on how well and how actively they are pursuing sustainable tourism initiatives, including:
The new will also feature the Gorf Blog, which will discuss the many aspects and issues related to sustainable travel. The name reflects the sometimes backwards and upside down world we live in today. See if you can figure out what Gorf really means.
Watch the space for more about, and if you know what Gorf really spells, then the phrase below should be clear.
Siht wen etis lliw egnach eht dlrow.