Categories: Travel Blog

Down Under Activities

Australia is one of those places that evoke a sense of excitement and adventure.  After all, how can you go to Australia and not hike out in the wilderness or sleep out under the stars?  That wide stretch of Australian sky beckons, as do the bustling cities and kangaroos!

Once you reach Australia– head right off the mainland!  There are dozens of islands to check out that are situated off Australia’s coast, many of them with unique features that will make for amazing pictures to share when you return home.  From Kangaroo Island to King Island, you’ll find the people are friendly and you’ll have plenty of time to fish, eat, and go diving.

When you get back to the mainland, check out Newcastle.  Everyone always goes to Sydney, and while there’s nothing wrong with seeing the big city in all its glory,New Castle has a few delights of its own.  Chitchat with locals there to find out where the best eateries are, where you can find the best cup of coffee, and even discover a few secret beach spots.  Here you’ll have fewer crowds when you hit the sands, which is always nice.

Ready to see every color the ocean has to offer?  Dive or snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef, one of Australia’s locations to make Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel.  It’s the world’s largest coral reef and full of vibrant fish, corals, starfish, and numerous other sea creatures that name the Reef their home.

Do you like art?  Then visit MONA.  The Museum of Old & New Art opened just a few years ago and features over $100 million worth of stunning art.  Take a little time to appreciate some amazing works of creativity on a more relaxed day.  Or if you’re closer to Canberra, you can visit the National Gallery of Australia instead.

What would a visit to Australia be without a hike or outback road trip?  Do either or both while you’re there and see Australia’s wilder side.  Vast blue skies above and bold red soil beneath your feet make for a stunning combination.  You’ll see plenty of flora and fauna as you go, and you can either do it without a guide or hire one to point out everything along the way.

Australia awaits you, so it’s time to start planning your journey.  Schedule in a few days to kick back and relax once you arrive before going all out on your hikes or diving.  That way you’ll be able to take in a few sites around your hotel and get your energy up for some exciting times that you’ll remember forever.

Enid Glasgow

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