When planning a vacation, it is very important to take into consideration the time of year you will be traveling. Most destinations have a specific time period where conditions are ideal for a great trip. However, other destinations are great all year long and traveling to them all depends on what you want to do or see. Australia is one of those destinations
Located in the southern hemisphere, Australia is home to diverse temperatures. The northern part of the country is hotter while the south is cooler. It’s not uncommon to have temperatures in the 50s in the south while it is 30 degrees warmer in the north. Even though temperatures may fluctuate between the north and south, much of Australia is temperate year- round. However, there are a few factors to keep in mind when planning your Australian adventure.
There are pros and cons with each time, so be sure to do your research. Just always remember, there is no bad time to travel to Australia!
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