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Top 3 Must See Locations in Ecuador

We all work hard all year long in hopes of taking a relaxing vacation once a year. Sometimes it is just impossible to do everything we want to do. What if you could go to one place where you could relax on a beach, go surfing, explore a rainforest, tour museums and eat some of the best food in the world? If those all sounded like good ideas you will definitely want to plan a trip to Ecuador where you can literally do it all.

Ecuador is a smaller country than most, but for what it lacks in size it makes up for with lush rainforests, rugged mountain ranges and a pristine coastline. The cities of Ecuador offer a rich culture and the wilderness offers natural beauty. Here are three must-sees when visiting Ecuador:

The Galapagos Islands

If you are ever in Ecuador you absolutely must pay a visit to the Galapagos Islands. The islands are home to some of the rarest species on Earth, including the Galapagos penguins. This species of penguin is the only one that lives north of the equator in the wild. While in the Galapagos, you will want to do some bird watching, snorkeling and scuba diving to have an opportunity to see all of the diverse life. If you are a fan of nature and ecology, this is one destination you should be sure to visit.

Historic Quito

Quito is the historic center of Ecuador and is located 2,800 meters above sea level in the Andes Mountains. As a cultural center, Quito has beautiful chapels, colonial churches, museums, estates and architecture. The history buff in you will be stunned by the rich cultural heritage of Quito.

Salinas Beach

If you find yourself exhausted from the adventure of the Galapagos and the exploration of Quito, then you will want to treat yourself to a day of relaxation at Salinas Beach. Spend your day soaking up the sun and reflecting on all the wonders of Ecuador.

These are only three great things to do and experience in Ecuador. This is the ideal destination for the adventurous historian in you. There are plenty more sights to see, so make sure you plan a trip to Ecuador soon!

Enid Glasgow

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