Travel Blog

The Space Between

Dear Advisor Partners,

This week’s blog is a little different. We aren’t talking about an experience or a program, today it’s about a movement. Those of you who know Big Five well, understand that our commitment to community-based tourism has been long-standing. The idea of getting into these little-known communities is something we often call “the space between,” where our dedication often manifests itself.

I’m just returning from the Tourism Cares: Meaningful Summit in Medellin, where I revisited communities like Comuna 8, Comuna 13 and Moravia. During these visits, I had a chance to reflect on the paths we’ve taken to get to where we are in Colombia. That’s when I realized, the one thing that was missing was doubt. Was there fear, anxiety and failure? Of course. However, never once did the thought that our commitment was misguided cross our minds.

So as I return from the summit, I’d like to share a brief video showcasing the newest community-based program, coming soon to Big Five’s portfolio in Colombia. As we go back in time to the beginnings of African heritage in Medellin, we tell the story through the local African community of how these two parts of the world were connected. By getting out of our comfort zone, we can share how music in this particular community helped our guide, Freddy and his family, persevere through difficult times, while ensuring they never forgot where they came from.

Stay tuned for more as we develop this tour. Meaningful travel is the future of luxury travel. We often joke that we’ve waited with the lights on and the door unlocked for two decades, so come on in and join us. Enjoy this week’s video, and please don’t mind Ashish’s attempt at Spanish.

Ashish Sanghrajka

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