Categories: Travel Blog

The Bund in Shanghai China

Visiting China can provide you with the kind of vacation that you will never forget.  But there are some locations in China that can make your visit extra special.  Shanghai alone is a stunning place to see.  During the day, the city teems with life, food, and entertainment.  At night, find yourself a rooftop vista because the way it lights up is simply amazing.  Unique architectural structures, winding roads, and tall bridges are full of light and can make for excellent photo opportunities.


But it’s the Bund in Shanghai that has become the most well-known place.  Unfamiliar with it?  An Anglo-Indian word, “bund” means “embankment along a muddy waterfront.”  In 1846, the British opened an office in this location and since then it has grown and transformed into what we see today.  Shanghai is known as a city of trade, which is why it is a city that never stops and is brimming with life and trade, food and drink, music, boats, and people.


The Bund extends from WaibaiduBridge to Jinling Road and is situated on the western bank of the HuangpuRiver.  This river is 114 km long and a tributary of the Yangtze River.  No longer is it just a sliver of land, but now it is a place for cargo boats and tourist ferries to dock and cruise from one place to another.  Take a boat ride all the way down to the estuary of the Yangtze and back for a three hour round-trip that will show you everything along the river.


The Bund also has an amazing collection of architectural styles that have been built up over the years.  Stroll through the streets and don’t be surprised to see styles that range from Greek to Renaissance, Baroque to (of course) Chinese.  From old European architecture to towering skyscrapers that gleam in the sun, the Bund is a place where time seems to have blended together.


Not all of the Bund is buildings and trade.  You’ll find plenty of flowers and trees throughout.  Chinese wisterias bloom in warm weather, ginko trees offer shade with their little fan-shaped leaves, and azaleas show off their vibrant colors.


If China is your next destination, be sure to visit the Bund in Shanghai.  Enjoy the day and stay up to see the nightlife.  You’ll never be bored here and make sure your camera has plenty of available memory!

Enid Glasgow

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