Travel Blog

Peru Dispatch Part II – 10 weeks left

Dear Advisor Partners,


I share with you Part II of our Peru dispatch. I call this one “beyond Machu Picchu” because there is so much more to the country than one site, even if it is one of the New Wonders of the World. Peru’s history goes back to near the beginning of civilization, and our team is hard at work on a deluge of new ideas and concepts that have come up during my visit. As you can imagine, there is a lot of excitement about Peru in our office. However, beyond the history of Peru lies the adventure.


With every visit to Peru with my family, we try something new that feeds my adventure bug. And usually, my son is up for anything, while my daughter and wife are a bit more, I guess the word is sensible. Well, this year was no different, except for one twist. My son turned 16 during our adventure, and it was in January when I started counting how many real weeks of uninterrupted time together we have until he graduates high school. And it hit me like a ton of bricks. I only have 10 weeks of uninterrupted time with him. This birthday had to be epic. We didn’t tell him what I had planned until the morning of, and he, I, and our amazing guide, Edwar, jumped off a Sacred Valley cliff at around 13,000 feet, rose up to 14,000 feet before paragliding back down into the circle on a local farm field in the valley, ironically, not far from Sky Lodge, which was our last adventure.


The air was a bit strong, which made the flight that much more scenic and the landing that much more exciting. Now, I have been paragliding in many locations before, just never with my son. The last time he saw me jump off a cliff, he was 4 years old, watching me bungee jump in Whistler. I remember promising him then that when he was old enough, we would do something crazy together. Well, it just happened.


I said in my last blog that Peru doesn’t need tourism back, it deserves it. The gratitude of everyone I met, including our pilots and old friends not seen since 2021, was real. If anyone thought Peru was taking tourism for granted, you definitely won’t think that now. Don’t take my word for it, though, just look at the smile on my son’s face.

Enjoy this week’s video, and if you want to feel like a  bird, watch the bonus clip my son filmed in flight on a GoPro, if you don’t feel like a bird by then, watch it again.

CLICK HERE for a BONUS Video of More Adventure!

Ashish Sanghrajka

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