Dear Advisor Partners

I remember as a little kid when I first heard the term ornithologist. I remember because I confused it with orthodontist, and confused birds with crooked teeth.  Sounds funny, I know. Of course, growing up within the Big Five universe, I learned the definition early on, I think even before I could count properly.

When I was 16, I experienced the meaning of the word firsthand during my first visit to Ecuador with my best friend Fred. The infrastructure was certainly not what it in today, however, the charm was just as powerful and, of course, the birds just as captivating. I often think about that adventure as I explore the Galapagos, the cloud-forest before any development, and the Amazon where the skiffs were locally made and the channels to reach the lodge even narrower.

You can see how much Ecuador has changed over the decades as it has grown in popularity. However, with more than 25% of the population indigenous, and one of the best variety of wildlife in the world, there is hardly a moment that feels boring.

My last visit four months ago was just as exciting as my first visit as a clueless teenager. What continues to draw me in still are the birds – more than 1,600 species, one of the richest most diverse avian populations on the planet. All these years later I still get excited talking about the wildlife of Ecuador. So you can imagine how my jaw dropped as I read this new program our team has just designed. When I love a program I normally share it with the team to prepare it to put it online, and share it on a blog as well as schedule it out. This program was so exciting that it simply could not wait, so the team rushed to prepare this program, because it just had to be shared. Trust me, it’s that good, even better if you love wildlife. And birdwatchers…  whoa!

Introducing our newest President’s Pick, featuring the Ecuador you know and the Ecuador that may surprise you. Beyond the Galapagos Islands, which is a perennial favorite with us, lies the protected lands within the Amazon Jungle, where thick vegetation, undisturbed landscapes and the absence of city lights allow the night sky to illuminate the entire horizon.  The Tandayapa Valley in this adventure is the true birders paradise going beyond known favorites such as the Mindo to a reserve where hummingbirds and orchids are the stars.

And, of course, you can’t have a complete program in Ecuador without being suspended near the tree line on a moving cycle through the branches… Now that is just plain cool!  Watch the great video to see for yourself.

From the first visit to the latest visit, Ecuador never ceases to show me something new. Enjoy our newest President’s Pick A Birdwatchers Paradise.

Deborah Kilcollins

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