Categories: Travel Blog

Maldives Islands Paradise

Palm trees, pure white sands, crystal clear azure waters, cloudless blue skies, a living dream, this is the only way one could describe the Maldives. Many wonder where all those picture perfect beach photographs in postcards and calendars come from. Wonder no more, it is most likely taken from the Maldives Islands.

You should now start wondering something else. How to get yourself in that picture and experience it first hand? Lucky for you we can help. But first here is a little background on the Islands (as if you need even more reasons to visit):

The Maldives are almost naturally perfect and beautiful. Located in the southwest of Sri Lanka, the island nation is made up of over 2,000 coral islands, many of which are uninhabited. The majority of inhabitants reside on only one of the 202 inhabited islands.

The capital city Male houses ¼ of the population. On many islands, people live completely across the land as they have for thousands of years.

How to get there: The Maldives are very tourist friendly as they depend upon tourism for their economy. There are several airlines to choose from when choosing a flight to the main airport. Once there small air taxis or boats help visitors get from island to island.

Accomodations range from budget to ultra-luxury. If you really want to go all out, many islands are used as a private resort sanctuary.

Enid Glasgow

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