Travel Blog

Keeping our perspective

Dear Agency Partner,

As you all know Kenya is opening August 1, Tanzania and Egypt have opened up, with more to follow. A brighter day awaits, which is why keeping our perspective is so important.  I recently read a note from an advisor partner in Canada, one I know and admire, and she talked about being exhausted, scared and frustrated. Many of us feel that way at different times. I wrote this blog for her and for everyone who feels like she does. It is our perspective that reminds us of our power and energizes us to face today, the next day, and the day after. The simplest of victories mean everything, and in this case, even something as simple as walking.

In our last adventure with Abraham and Cartagena Unida, we met Maria Angel, a young girl in one of the communities that received supplies.  Maria was born without tendons in her legs and cannot walk.

As you watch the video with this blog, you can share her excitement when Abraham’s team arrives with food and other items, including a princess-style dress that is given to her.  She is indeed a princess.  Abraham asked her and asked what she wants to be when she grows up? Her answer was simple – “I want to walk.”

In our own way, we as an industry are going to have to learn how to walk again. If that scares you, then call me. Together we can learn to do what we need to do. It’s ok to be human and to be a realist like Maria has to be. We cannot forget that we represent so much more than an industry. We represent the single largest resistance to poverty, poaching, trafficking, and a source of hope for Maria and others like her. We will learn to walk again, and we can stumble and feel vulnerable. It’s okay.

Never doubt the power of what we can accomplish together. I am pleased to report that Maria will have her surgery on her legs next month thanks to Abraham and Cartagena Unida.  Meet Maria in this video.

Deborah Kilcollins

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