Categories: Travel Blog

The adventure continues

We have now had 2 lovely days in Melbourne, one driving along the Great Ocean Road in all its loveliness, and today in the gorgeous Yarro Valley. Although we have enjoyed all of it, including the great food and wine, we are most thoroughly (and not surprisingly) charmed by the furry and feathered residents. Yesterday, our guide stopped at a golf course and led us to an area where kangaroos were resting in the bushes, just as deer would be around U.S. Golf courses. We were able to get very close to them without alarming them, and particularly admired an adorable joey (young kangaroo). We later stopped at a park area where we saw more koalas in the trees, and hand fed amazingly-colored parrots. We plan to wander around Melbourne this evening, and then we leave for Aukland New Zealand tomorrow. This blog site, unfortunately, is not speaking to photos from the IPad, so we will continue to email you occasional pictures. Love you all.

Lisa and David


About the Author: Big Five's overriding mission is to turn dreams into reality. We offer customized luxury travel for individuals and small groups. Our luxury journeys are tailor-made to meet the discriminating tastes of our guests to any of our exotic and exciting destinations in Africa, Asia, Orient, Latin America and South Pacific.

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